Hybrid x Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia Wiki
Hybrid x Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia Wiki
 Kanji ラグルス
 Romaji Ragurusu
• Characteristics•
 Race Human
 Gender Female
 Age Unknown
 Hair Color Yellow
 Eye Color Purple
• Professional Status•
 Affiliation Ataraxia
 Previous Affiliation Vatlantis Empire
 Occupation Student
• Personal Status•
 Status Alive
 Magic Heart Hybrid Gear
 Weapon Long-Arms
 Equipment Demon
• Debuts•
 Light Novel Volume 4

Ragrus (ラグルス) is a former member of the Vatlantis Empire's Imperial Guards and was an observer of the Quantum alongside Zelshione. After the war, she chose to stay on the Ataraxia as student to be with her best friend, Silvia Silkcut.


Ragus is a young, petite girl with green eyes (purple in the anime) and long blonde hair tied in twin tails. She wears a red dress. She usually has a smug expression.


While she was one of the few Imperial Guards, Ragrus had a haughty attitude towards anyone she outranked. She greatly admired her superior, Zelshione, wishing to be praised by her. Ragrus was fairly short-tempered and had a lot of pride in her.

After her defeat, she lost most of her magical energy, Demon and her memories. This caused Ragrus to feel lost and unsure of her place in Valtantis. However, after seeing the members of Amaterasu while they were idols on Altantis, she became inspired by them. Ironically, she especially became a big fan of Sylvia, the very person who defeated her, which caused her to lose everything.

While on Hida Nayuta fake Ataraxia, Ragrus personality became somewhat more balance compared to before. She became Sylvia's best friend, rarely being seen without and always looking out for her. However, she acts bashful when others commented on this, making her a Tsundere. Ultimately, she chose to stay on Ataraxia over returning to Valtantis after both worlds were restored, as she didn't have any attachments to her homeworld but had a close friend on Ataraxia.




Volume 4[]

Powers & Abilities[]

Abilities and Skills[]

  • Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: While still fairly young and inexperienced, Ragrus has proved that she's talented enough be in the Valtantis Empire Imperial Guard Quartum.


Masou Ragrus Demon anime


Heart Hybrid Gear: Ragrus Heart Hybrid Gear is Demon. Unlike most Heart Hybrid Gears that the user "wear" as an armor, Demon is basically a giant red robot that moves according to Ragrus's body movements. Silvia´s Taros is only HHG who can rival Demon in terms of size and strength.

  • Immense Strength: Demon's main weapon are long and massive arms which possess colossal amounts of raw power. After doing Ecstasy Hybrid, Demon already immense strength is increased to the point where she could throw an 80-meter tall Tri-Head Magitech Weapon like a giant swing.
  • Immense Durability: Demon massive built can easily withstand most attacks from other Heart Hybrid Gears without much difficulty.
  • Inferno (Scorching Heat Soaring Arm Explosion): Demon strongest and worst attack, where by using all of the magic power of the owner into energy, the main body of Demon will be used as a system that converts magic power into heat and light, resulting in a powerful final attack that can destroy everything within a large area. That amount of power which release has been calculated on 7,2 exa-high-mega joules.


  • Ragrus resembles Claire Harvey from the anime Hundred.