Hybrid x Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia Wiki

「MASTERS」 It is the 7th Flying Corps-Team Heart Hybrid Gear of West America led by Scarlet Fairchild. It currently consists of six members (initially seven). They are very close to each other and spend all their free time together.

Yurisia Farandole was a part of the team until she decided to leave America's Megafloat and transfer to Ataraxia to join Amaterasu. Scarlet became the leader of the unit after she left.

After joining Ataraxia, they do Heart Hybrid with Hida Kizuna like Amaterasu, although they are not as active in doing so.


From Left to Right: Henrietta Macintosh, Gertrude Baird, Leila Hewitt, Scarlet Fairchild, Sharon Cunningham, Clementine Burroughs, and Brigitte Arcwright.

All the members are very free-spirited when they are not fighting, often relaxing and playing around together. Yurisia Farandole, a former member of Masters, has a similar personality.


Masters preparing

Master preparing for battle

Former Members[]



  • Brigitte Arkwright is the only named character to die in the series and not be revived.
  • All the members of Masters become part of Ataraxia alongside Amaterasu afterwards.