The Machine Gods (機械神, Deusu Ekusu Mākinā) also known as Deus Ex Machina are the creators and controllers of the world.
The Deus Ex Machina, also known as the Machine Gods are a group of four goddesses who both created and control the worlds Lemuria and Atlantis. These four are the ones responsible for the Another Universe Conflict between worlds, as well as the drain of magical power from Genesis. Soon after their renewal, these four machine gods made their first appearance for the first time claiming their experiment failed with their Leader, Thanatos decided that they should start a new one and eliminate all of them.
Although Kizuna and others tried to resist them, they were unable to do anything against their joined overwhelming power, they then destroy Genesis again and the whole world in the process. Hida Nayuta, however, becomes the fifth machine god restoring Ataraxia and after dealing with Hokuto tell everyone what happens and start them prepare to war with Machine Gods.